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Guiding Our Identity

This Visual Branding Guide will help define the basic visual communications developed for the EBF3 HADDS Foundation’s brand identity. It serves as a toolbox filled with visual components and guidelines to deliver a range of use for our community. 


Why is it important? This style guide is bigger than rules and regulations. We are bravely putting a stake in the ground and visually defining who we are as a Foundation in one simple document. This is our collective identity and together we will lock arms and collaborate until the whole world is aware of our HADDS community.  


Do you want to use the logo? Do you have questions regarding the Foundation's brand assets?

Contact and we will get you squared away.

Do you need our logo?


Email with your need and we can send you a high res image for use. 

Official HADDS Foundation SQUARE .jpg

The EBF3 HADDS Foundation was created to promote awareness, research, and support for individuals and their families living with EBF3 HADD Syndrome, a genetic syndrome discovered in 2016.


The Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3).

EIN: 83-2757964





Mailing Address:

326 Wildrose Ave

San Antonio, TX 78209

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